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2.5 m大视场高分辨率望远镜消光筒温度控制 期刊论文
红外与激光工程, 2023, 卷号: 52, 期号: 9, 页码: 20230024–1-8
Authors:  潘聪;  叶宇;  顾伯忠
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2.5 m大视场高分辨率望远镜  Smith预估器  消光筒  温度控制  自抗扰控制器  
Intelligent monitoring and diagnosis of telescope image quality 期刊论文
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, 卷号: 525, 期号: 3, 页码: 3541–3550
Authors:  Hu TZ(胡天柱);  Zhang Y(张勇);  Cui XQ(崔向群)
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methods: data analysis  methods: numerical  techniques: image processing  software: data analysis  
The Edge Sensor of Segmented Mirror Based on Fringes of Equal Thickness 期刊论文
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023, 卷号: 23, 期号: 6, 页码: 1-14
Authors:  Zhang Q(张茜);  Zuo H(左恒);  Zhang Y(张勇);  Li YP(李烨平)
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Dispersion Characteristics of the Multi-mode Fiber-fed VIPA Spectrograph 期刊论文
The Astronomical Journal, 2023, 卷号: 165, 期号: 228, 页码: 1-8
Authors:  Zhu XM(朱小明);  Lin D(林栋);  Zhang ZN(张中楠);  Xie XT(谢欣桐);  He JP(何晋平)
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High resolution spectroscopy  Astronomical methods  Astronomical instrumentation  Astronomical techniques  
光子灯笼技术及在天文中的应用(特邀) 期刊论文
光子学报, 2023, 卷号: 52, 期号: 5, 页码: 0552204⁃1-20
Authors:  韩子健;  袁祥岩
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天文光学  光纤光学  光子灯笼  光谱测量  波前传感  
中山大学1.2 m望远镜天文光谱仪的研制(特邀) 期刊论文
光子学报, 2023, 卷号: 52, 期号: 5, 页码: 0552205⁃1-13
Authors:  张凯;  王伯庆;  乐中宇;  新其其格;  周彤;  姜明达;  王靓;  李正阳
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Machine learning-based seeing estimation and prediction using multi-layer meteorological data at Dome A,Antarctica 期刊论文
Astronomy and Computing, 2023, 卷号: 100710, 期号: 43, 页码: 1-12
Authors:  Hou X(侯旭);  Du FJ(杜福嘉)
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The Multi-band Sur v ey Telescope at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica 期刊论文
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, 卷号: 520, 期号: 3, 页码: 4601-4608
Authors:  Chen C(陈超);  Li ZY(李正阳);  Han ZJ(韩子健);  Jiang X(姜鑫);  Liu TT(刘婷婷);  Yuan XY(袁祥岩)
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基于相位恢复的无调制四棱锥波前传感器 期刊论文
光学学报, 2023, 卷号: 43, 期号: 4, 页码: 0428001-1-11
Authors:  王中旗;  陆彦婷
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传感器  波前传感  四棱锥波前传感器  相位恢复  自适应光学  
Development of the Sun Yat-Sen University 1.2-m Multi-Terminal Telescope 会议论文
SPIE Optical Design and Testing XII, Online Only, 2022-12-20
Authors:  Liu TT(刘婷婷);  Li ZY(李正阳);  Zhang K(张凯);  Han ZJ(韩子健)
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Astronomical optics  Photometry  Spectrometers,and Spectroscopic instrumentation  Telescopes