Intelligent monitoring and diagnosis of telescope image quality
Hu TZ(胡天柱); Zhang Y(张勇); Cui XQ(崔向群)
Source PublicationMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

The imaging quality of a telescope directly affects the reliability of astronomical research. Through the monitoring and diagnosis  of imaging quality, the cause of the deterioration of imaging quality can be found in time, which is essential for ensuring  the peaking performance of the telescope and high-quality imaging. Moreo v er, these operations are complex and crucial for  achieving high-quality imaging of future giant telescope systems involving active optics, adaptive optics, and other advanced  techniques. We propose a three-component method based on cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology to real-time monitor  and efficiently diagnose the telescope image quality. The first component, an image quality monitoring system, monitors and  outputs the telescope’s image quality. The second component is a query system with a knowledge graph, which outputs the node  chains as the possible cause of poor image quality based on the input. The third component, a final estimator, uses the node  parameter, which contains historical fault data and real-time updated data from sensors, to give the probability of each node  chain. We construct and test the system in the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopy Telescope.

Keywordmethods: data analysis methods: numerical techniques: image processing software: data analysis
Subject Area天文技术与方法
Document Type期刊论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Hu TZ,Zhang Y,Cui XQ. Intelligent monitoring and diagnosis of telescope image quality[J]. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,2023,525(3):3541–3550.
APA Hu TZ,Zhang Y,&Cui XQ.(2023).Intelligent monitoring and diagnosis of telescope image quality.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,525(3),3541–3550.
MLA Hu TZ,et al."Intelligent monitoring and diagnosis of telescope image quality".Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525.3(2023):3541–3550.
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