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| 一种基于Zernike多项式分解的全视场望远镜主动准直方法 专利 专利类型: 发明专利, 专利号: ZL202010941686.X, 申请日期: 2023-12-26, Inventors: 袁祥岩; 李博; 李正阳; 卢海平 View  |  Adobe PDF(14634Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:343/22  |  Submit date:2024/03/29 |
| 光子灯笼技术及在天文中的应用(特邀) 期刊论文 光子学报, 2023, 卷号: 52, 期号: 5, 页码: 0552204⁃1-20 Authors: 韩子健; 袁祥岩 View  |  Adobe PDF(3686Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:134/32  |  Submit date:2024/03/10 天文光学 光纤光学 光子灯笼 光谱测量 波前传感 |
| The Multi-band Sur v ey Telescope at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica 期刊论文 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, 卷号: 520, 期号: 3, 页码: 4601-4608 Authors: Chen C(陈超); Li ZY(李正阳); Han ZJ(韩子健); Jiang X(姜鑫); Liu TT(刘婷婷); Yuan XY(袁祥岩) View  |  Adobe PDF(1768Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:143/29  |  Submit date:2024/03/19 |
| Optical design for SiTian project 会议论文 SPIE Optical Design and Testing XII, Online Only, 2022-12-20 Authors: Chen C(陈超); Li ZY(李正阳); Han ZJ(韩子健); Yuan XY(袁祥岩) View  |  Adobe PDF(2103Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:276/97  |  Submit date:2023/03/22 Wide FOV optical design Optical telescopes Time-domain Astronomy |
| 一种基于星像椭圆率模型的望远镜高效精准调焦方法(授权专利) 专利 专利类型: 发明专利, 专利号: ZL202110521795.0, 申请日期: 2022-09-16, Inventors: 袁祥岩; 李博; 李正阳 View  |  Adobe PDF(13688Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:181/29  |  Submit date:2023/03/24 |
| Uniformity analysis of focal plane efficiency of the Multi-Channel Photometric Survey Telescope (Mephisto) 会议论文 SPIE Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 2022-8-29 Authors: Han ZJ(韩子健); Yuan XY(袁祥岩); Li ZY(李正阳); Wang JF(王晋峰); Tian J(田杰); Huang Y(黄亚) View  |  Adobe PDF(1207Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:286/72  |  Submit date:2023/03/22 Telescopes Coating,Photometric efficiency Multi-channel survey |
| Telescope alignment based on the structured lighting of collimated laser beam bundles 会议论文 SPIE Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 2022-8-29 Authors: Li ZY(李正阳); Jiang X(姜鑫); Han ZJ(韩子健); Yuan XY(袁祥岩) View  |  Adobe PDF(1579Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:340/79  |  Submit date:2023/03/22 telescope aberrations alignment method coordinate distortion laser collimator wave-front reconstruction optical collimator |
| 一种用于南极望远镜封窗加热电极的固定装置(授权实用新型) 专利 专利类型: 实用新型, 专利号: ZL202122690057.7, 申请日期: 2022-04-08, Inventors: 李正阳; 陈超; 韩子健; 姜鑫; 刘婷婷; 袁祥岩 View  |  Adobe PDF(10356Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:214/61  |  Submit date:2023/03/27 |
| The Wide Field of View Telescope Optical System for Sitian Project 专利 专利类型: 发明专利, 专利号: AU2021102434, 申请日期: 2021-06-24, Inventors: Li ZY(李正阳); Yuan XY(袁祥岩) View  |  Adobe PDF(2469Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:389/95  |  Submit date:2022/03/29 |
| Optical system research of multi-object fiber spectroscopic survey telescope 期刊论文 Research in As tronomy and As trophysics, 2021, 卷号: 21, 期号: 6, 页码: 71-78 Authors: Bai H(白华); Su DQ(苏定强); Liang M(梁明); Yuan XY(袁祥岩); Cui XQ(崔向群) View  |  Adobe PDF(1260Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:397/141  |  Submit date:2022/04/01 telescopes techniques: miscellaneous techniques: spectroscopic methods: miscellaneous surveys instrumentation: miscellaneous |