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| 大型天文望远镜网络控制技术研究 学位论文 : 中国科学院大学, 2013 Authors: 李同英
 Favorite  |  View/Download:708/0  |  Submit date:2014/03/28 望远镜 主动光学 网络控制 无线传感器 信息物理系统 |
| 大型射电望远镜主动反射面控制 期刊论文 中国科学技术大学学报, 2013, 卷号: 43, 期号: 1, 页码: 24-29 Authors: 李同英 ; 张振超 ; 李爱华 ; 王佑
View  |   Adobe PDF(408Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:760/219  |  Submit date:2014/02/10 13.7m毫米波射电望远镜 主动反射面 位移促动器 Can/ethernet协议转换器 闭环控制 |
| FIBER POSITIONING CONTROL FOR LAMOST BASED ON ZIGBEE PRO 会议论文 Proceedings of 2012 3rd IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content, Beijing, China, 2012-9-21 Authors: Tongying Li ; Zhenchao Zhang
View  |   Adobe PDF(871Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:607/206  |  Submit date:2014/01/09 Lamost Fiber Positioning Zigbee Pro Mesh Topology Lm3s9b96 Cc2520 Cc2530 Stepper Motor |
| Data Collection Based on Mobile Agent in Wireless Sensor Networks 会议论文 Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Beijing, China, 2012-7-6 Authors: Tongying Li ; Zhenchao Zhang
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| Reflector adjustment for a large radio telescope based on active optics 会议论文 Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy II, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012-7-1 Authors: Li Tongying ; Zhang Zhenchao ; Li Aihua ; Wang You
View  |   Adobe PDF(223Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:725/257  |  Submit date:2014/01/12 13.7 m Millimeter-wave Telescope Active Surface Displacement Actuator Intelligent Controller Controller Area Network /ethernet Protocol Converter |
| Vibration Data Processing Based on Petri Network in Wireless Sensor Networks 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF NETWORKS, 2012, 卷号: 7, 期号: 2, 页码: 400-408 Authors: Tongying Li
View  |   Adobe PDF(766Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:527/168  |  Submit date:2014/01/12 Wireless Sensor Networks Vibration Multisink Topological Structure Data Fusion Petri Network Energy Management |