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Development of the Sun Yat-Sen University 1.2-m Multi-Terminal Telescope 会议论文
SPIE Optical Design and Testing XII, Online Only, 2022-12-20
Authors:  Liu TT(刘婷婷);  Li ZY(李正阳);  Zhang K(张凯);  Han ZJ(韩子健)
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Astronomical optics  Photometry  Spectrometers,and Spectroscopic instrumentation  Telescopes  
Optical design for SiTian project 会议论文
SPIE Optical Design and Testing XII, Online Only, 2022-12-20
Authors:  Chen C(陈超);  Li ZY(李正阳);  Han ZJ(韩子健);  Yuan XY(袁祥岩)
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Wide FOV optical design  Optical telescopes  Time-domain Astronomy  
Uniformity analysis of focal plane efficiency of the Multi-Channel Photometric Survey Telescope (Mephisto) 会议论文
SPIE Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 2022-8-29
Authors:  Han ZJ(韩子健);  Yuan XY(袁祥岩);  Li ZY(李正阳);  Wang JF(王晋峰);  Tian J(田杰);  Huang Y(黄亚)
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Telescopes  Coating,Photometric efficiency  Multi-channel survey  
Unanticipated Fault Diagnosis Method of Telescope Drive System Based on Latent Variable Mining 期刊论文
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2022, 卷号: 134, 期号: 1031, 页码: 014504-1-13
Authors:  Li Y(李运);  Yang SH(杨世海);  Deng ZZ(邓状状);  Gu XJ(顾晓杰);  Li XY(李晓燕);  Gu BZ(顾伯忠)
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Astronomical instrumentation  Computational methods  Telescopes  
Real-time Closed-loop Active Surface Technology of a Large Radio Telescope 期刊论文
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2022, 卷号: 134, 期号: 1031, 页码: 015003-1-16
Authors:  Zhang Y(张勇);  Li GP(李国平);  Zhou GH(周国华);  Lu QS(陆启帅);  Zuo H(左恒);  Wang Y(王佑);  Zhang H(张惠);  Li AH(李爱华);  Zhang C(张超);  Li YP(李烨平);  Wu XH(吴旭浩);  Li H(李浩);  Hu TZ(胡天柱)
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Astronomical instrumentation  Astronomical techniques  Ground telescopes  Radio telescopes  Experimental techniques  Astronomical optics  
Simulation and analysis of co-phasing errors of the segmented primary mirror tiled by hexagonal segments in LOT 期刊论文
Research in As tronomy and As trophysics, 2021, 卷号: 21, 期号: 10, 页码: 39-47
Authors:  Shen SD(沈世东);  Cui XQ(崔向群);  Zhang Y(张勇)
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methods: analytical  techniques: miscellaneous  telescopes  
Azimuth Control for Large Aperture Telescope Based on Segmented Arc Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors 期刊论文
Research in As tronomy and As trophysics, 2021, 卷号: 21, 期号: 7, 页码: 86-92
Authors:  Song XL(宋晓莉);  Wang DX(汪达兴)
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techniques: telescopes  instrumentation: miscellaneous  methods: miscellaneous  techniques  
Optical system research of multi-object fiber spectroscopic survey telescope 期刊论文
Research in As tronomy and As trophysics, 2021, 卷号: 21, 期号: 6, 页码: 71-78
Authors:  Bai H(白华);  Su DQ(苏定强);  Liang M(梁明);  Yuan XY(袁祥岩);  Cui XQ(崔向群)
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telescopes  techniques: miscellaneous  techniques: spectroscopic  methods: miscellaneous  surveys  instrumentation: miscellaneous  
A general process model for unanticipated state recognition of a telescope drive system 期刊论文
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2021, 卷号: 73, 期号: 1, 页码: 230-239
Authors:  Li Y(李运);  Yang SH(杨世海);  Wu JJ(吴佳佳);  Gu BZ(顾伯忠)
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methods: analytical  techniques: miscellaneous  telescopes  methods: data analysis  
Defocus Spot Detection of Astronomical Optical System 期刊论文
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2020, 卷号: 20, 期号: 3, 页码: 41-49
Authors:  Hu TZ(胡天柱);  Zhang Y(张勇);  Cui XQ(崔向群);  Li YP(李烨平);  Bai H(白华);  Pan XS(潘秀山)
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Methods: Data Analysis  Techniques: Image Processing  Telescopes