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Using NOC technology to improve Photoelectric Encoder system for LAMOST spectroscopes 会议论文
2011 IEEE 9th International Conference on ASIC (ASICON 2011), Xiamen,China, 2011-10-25
Authors:  Zhongyi Han;  Jianing Wang;  Yizhong Zeng;  Zhongwen Hu
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Noc Technology  Photoelectric Encoder System  Spectroscopes  Lamost  
Design and realization of the IP control core in field controllers for LAMOST spectroscopes1 会议论文
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy, San Diego, California, USA, 2010-6-27
Authors:  Jianing Wang;  Zhongyi Han;  Yizhong Zeng;  Songxin Dai;  Zhongwen Hu;  Yongtian Zhu;  Lei Wang;  Yonghui Hou
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Lamost  Field Controllers  Dsp Builder  Ip Control Core  Field Programmable Gate Array (Fpga)  Spectroscopes  Matlab / Simulink