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新型高分辨率光谱芯片设计及性能研究 学位论文
, 北京: 中国科学院大学, 2024
Authors:  朱壮壮
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天文光谱仪  光谱芯片  高分辨率  分光器  新型结构  
一种波导阵列型高分辨光谱检测芯片 专利
专利类型: 发明专利, 专利号: ZL202111191318.9, 申请日期: 2023-06-30,
Inventors:  林栋;  朱壮壮;  何晋平
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密排光波导多目标光谱探测技术研究 期刊论文
光子学报, 2023, 卷号: 52, 期号: 5, 页码: 0552212⁃1-9
Authors:  林栋;  朱壮壮;  何晋平
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多目标光谱  光谱巡天  密排波导  多目标输入  天文光子学  
Research progress of high-resolution arrayed waveguide spectroscopy 会议论文
SPIE Novel Technologies and Instruments for Astronomical Multi-Band Observations, Beijing, China, 2021-7(23-25)
Authors:  Lin D(林栋);  Zhu ZZ(朱壮壮);  Zhu XM(朱小明);  He JP(何晋平)
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High-resolution  Integrated photonic spectrograph  Astrophotonics  Arrayed waveguides