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A Multi-Aperture Scintillation Sensor for Dome A, Antarctica 会议论文
Astrophysics from Antarctica Proceedings IAU Symposium, Beijing, China, 2012-8-20
Authors:  Hualin Chen;  Chong Pei;  Xiangyan Yuan
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Antarctic Kunlun Station  Dome a  Scintillation  Seeing  Isoplanatic Angle  Turbulence Profile  
Preliminary daytime seeing monitoring at Dome A, Antarctica 会议论文
Astrophysics from Antarctica Proceedings IAU Symposium, Beijing, China, 2012-8
Authors:  Chong Pei;  Zhengyangg Li;  Hualin Chen;  Xiangyan Yuan
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Dome a  Seeing  Isoplanatic Angle  
Present and future Chinese large telescope projects 会议论文
The Scientific Requirements for Extremely Large Telescopes, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005-11-14
Authors:  Xiangqun Cui
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Large Ground Based Telescope  Space Telescope  Site Survey