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Analysis movement feature about spindle and relevant points on stressed lap
Gao Bilie
Source PublicationOptical Devices and Instruments
PagesVol.6024 2G1-10
Conference Date2005-8-21
Conference PlaceChangchun, China
Funding OrganizationThe International Society for Optical Engineering
Niaot(Nanjing Institute ofAstronomical Optics & Technology) had made a stressed lap' and finished a D9lOmm, F/2 paraboloid2, and also analyzed its feature about deformation and tilt of stressed lap on proceeding condition3. In this paper, according to the spindle tilt and no tilt, assuming the spindle moving velocity along the crossbeam, or the spindle tilt velocity around its tilt shaft, or apex of lap moving tangential velocity along the paraboloid surface is uniform, Author analyzes the movement feature of each relevant point and the removal efficiency for mirror on each condition for cl 2200mm, F12, F/i and F/O.6 paraboloid. And proceed to consider: when the lap on tilt condition, the normal pressure on minor will change in succession and it will reduce removal efficiency. So Author put forward another linkage moving type to reduce its effect, it will become a uniform removal efficiency from mirror center to edge on one period. On spindle no tilt class, the rotative velocity of lap isn't uniform, in this paper author also analyzes the difference of their angle and angular speed between spindle and lap, and how to correct this error. All these analyses is just for stressed lap working on axial symmetry paraboloid mirror. On removal proceeding, all movements, including the spindle translation on horizontal crossbeam and on vertical slider; the spindle tilt; the spindle rotation; the lap deformation etc., must work together to become a linkage under computer control. It is to say, in any twinkling, all relevant points must be on specific position and have specific velocity and specific acceleration. So this analysis is the mathematical basis for using stressed lap too.
KeywordAspherical Manufacture Stressed Lap Moving Relationship Between Spindle And Relevant Points Removal Efficiency
Subject Area天文镜面(材料、加工、检测)
Document Type会议论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Gao Bilie. Analysis movement feature about spindle and relevant points on stressed lap[C]:SPIE,2006:Vol.6024 2G1-10.
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