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Research on A New Position Actuator Control Technology for Segmented Primary Mirror Telescopes 会议论文
SPIE Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes IX, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 2022-8-29
Authors:  Li H(李浩);  Zhou GH(周国华);  Lu QS(陆启帅);  Zuo H(左恒);  Zhang Y(张勇)
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Segmented mirror  Position actuator  Active optics  Voice motor  ADRC  
Research progress of co-phasing inductance edge sensor for Chinese extremely large telescope 会议论文
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes V, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2014-6-22
Authors:  Yong Zhang;  Qimeng Wang;  Yeping Li;  Guohua Zhou;  Jijun Ni;  Aihua Li;  Hongmei Li;  Yizhong Zeng
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Extremely Large Telescope  Segmented Mirror Active Optics  Edge Sensor  Inductance Sensor  
Latest progress of LAMOST primary co-phasing experiment in NIAOT, China 会议论文
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes V, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2014-6-22
Authors:  Yong Zhang;  Xiangqun Cui;  Hongmei Li;  Guohua Zhou;  Jijun Ni;  Aihua Li;  Zhengqiu Yao;  Xuefei Gong;  Genrong Liu;  Yuefei Wang;  Yeping Li;  Yizhong Zeng
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Extremely Large Telescope  Segmented Mirror Co-phasing Active Optics  Fine Segment Support  
Active Control of the Chinese Giant Solar Telescope 会议论文
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes V, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2014-6-22
Authors:  Yichun Dai;  Dehua Yang;  Zhenyu Jin;  Zhong Liu;  Wei Qin
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Solar Telescope  Ring Aperture  Segmented Mirror  Monolithic Mirror  Active Control  Wind Load  
Outdoors phasing progress of dispersed fringe sensing technology in NIAOT, China 会议论文
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes IV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012-7-1
Authors:  Yong Zhang;  Xiangqun Cui;  Genrong Liu;  Yuefei Wang;  Jijun Ni;  Hongmei Li;  Yizhong Zeng;  Aihua Li;  Yeping Li;  Zhixu Wu
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Astronomical Telescope  Phasing Segmented Mirror Active Optics  Disperse Fringe Sensor  Disperse Hartmann Sensor  
Co-phasing of the segmented mirror based on the generalized phase diversity wavefront sensor 会议论文
Modern Technologies in Space- and Ground-based Telescopes and Instrumentation II, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012-7-1
Authors:  Changwei Li;  Sijiong Zhang
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Co-phasing  Segmented Mirror  Wavefront Sensing  Optimization Algorithm  
The optical performance of LAMOST telescope 会议论文
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes III, San Diego, California, USA, 2010-6-27
Authors:  Xiangqun Cui;  Ding-qiang Su;  Ya-nan Wang;  Guoping Li;  Genrong Liu;  Yong Zhang;  Yeping Li
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Wide Field Telescope  Reflecting Schmidt System  Active Optics  Segmented Mirror  
Southern LAMOST for all sky spectroscopic survey 会议论文
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes III, San Diego, California, USA, 2010-6-27
Authors:  Xiangqun Cui;  Shou-guan Wang;  Ding-qiang Su;  Yongheng Zhao;  Ya-nan Wang;  Yaoquan Chu;  Guoping Li
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Wide Field Telescope  Spectroscopic Observation  All Sky Survey  Multi-fiber Spectroscopy  Active Optics  Reflecting Schmidt System  Segmented Mirror  
An indoor three-mirror phasing experiment system based on a dispersed Hartmann type sensor 会议论文
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes III, San Diego, California, USA, 2010-6-27
Authors:  Yong Zhang;  Xiangqun Cui;  Genrong Liu;  Yuefei Wang;  Yeping Li;  Yajun Zhang;  Liang Zhang;  Yizhong Zeng
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Large Telescope  Segmented Mirror Active Optics  Dispersed Hartmann Sensor  Segment Phasing  
Progress of LAMOST Wavefront Sensing 会议论文
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes II, Marseille, France, 2008-6-23
Authors:  Yong Zhang
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Astronomical Telescope  Lamost  Thin Mirror Active Optics  Segmented Mirror Active Optics  Wavefront Sensing  Wavefront Correction