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Computer Network: Control Infrastructure of Large Astronomical Telescopes 会议论文
Selected Papers from the 2011 International Conference on Electric and Electronics (EEIC 2011), Nanchang, China, 2011-6-20
Authors:  Lingzhe Xu;  Xinqi Xu
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Large Astronomical Telescope  Computer Network  Control Infrastructure  Control System  Lan  
Preparing first light of LAMOST 会议论文
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes II, Marseille, France, 2008-6-23
Authors:  Xiangqun Cui
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Large Astronomical Telescope  Wide Field Of View  Active Optics  Segmented Mirror  Multi-fiber Spectroscopy Survey  
Configuration for Chinese Future Giant Telescope 会议论文
Ground-based Telescopes, Glasgow, Scotland, 2004-6-21
Authors:  Ding-qiang Su;  Ya-nan Wang;  Xiangqun Cui
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Astronomical Optics  Future Giant Telescope  Extremely Large Telescope