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Application of Intelligent Fuzzy PID Control Algorithm in Large Astronomical Telescope Tracking System 会议论文
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VII, Austin, Texas, United States, 2018-6-10
Authors:  Xiajie Zhang;  Changzhi Ren
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Astronomical Telescope  Direct Drive  Nonlinear Disturbance  Intelligent Fuzzy Control  
Design of one large telescope direct drive control system based on TMS320F28xx 会议论文
Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy VI, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2014-6-22
Authors:  Xiao-li Song;  Da-xing Wang;  Chao Zhang;  zhen-chao Zhang;  Li-yan Chen;  Chang-zhi Ren
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Direct Drive  Control System  Igbt  Large Telescope  
Integration and commissioning of the China SONG Telescope Tracking System 会议论文
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes V, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2014-6-22
Authors:  RenChangzhi;  WanHai;  LiHeng;  XuJin;  WangGuomin;  JiangXiang
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China Song Telescope  Direct Drive  Full Automatic Control  Telescope Pointing System  Song (Stellar Oscillations Network Group)  
The Sliding Mode Control Algorithm Used in the SONG Tracking Servo System 会议论文
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2014-6-22
Authors:  NiuYong;  RenChangzhi;  LiHeng
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Direct Drive  Torque Fluctuations  China Song Telescope  Sliding Mode Control  
Application of Combined Controller Based on CMAC and Nonlinear PID in Dual Redundant Telescope Tracking System 会议论文
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2014-6-22
Authors:  LiHeng;  RenChangzhi;  SongLibin;  Wujun
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Direct Drive  Nonlinear – Pid  Cmac  Dual Redundant Telescope Tracking System  Dual-redundant Six Phase Direct Drive Motors  
China SONG Telescope Tracking System Based on Direct Drive Technology 会议论文
Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy V, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012-7-1
Authors:  RenChangzhi;  XuJin;  Yeyu;  WangGuomin;  JiangXiang
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Song (Stellar Oscillations Network Group)  Direct Drive  Full Automatic Control  China Song  Telescope Tracking System  
Synchronous Redundant Control Algorithm in The Telescope Drive System 会议论文
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes IV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012-7-1
Authors:  Ren Changzhi;  Niuyong;  SongXiaoli;  XuJin;  LiXiaoyan
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Direct Drive  Synchronous Control  Redundant Control  Redundant Unit Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (Rupmsm)  
Design and Control of One Precise Tracking Simulation Bed for Chinese 20/30 Meter Optic/Infrared Telescope 会议论文
Modern Technologies in Space- and Ground-based Telescopes and Instrumentation II, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012-7-1
Authors:  RenChangzhi;  Lixiaoyan;  SongXiaoli;  Niuyong;  Li Aihua;  Zhang Zhenchao
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30 Meter Telescope  Precise Tracking Simulation Bed  Direct Drive  Redundant Unit Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (Rupmsm)  Multiphase Vector Control  
Position Measurement of the Direct Drive Motor of Large Aperture Telescope 会议论文
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy, San Diego, California, USA, 2010-6-27
Authors:  Li Ying;  Wang Daxing
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Astronomy  Large Aperture Telescope  Direct Drive  Position Measurement  Svpwm  
One direct drive system for Telescope 会议论文
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes II, Marseille, France, 2008-6-23
Authors:  Changzhi Ren;  Zhenchao Zhang;  Daxing Wang;  Xiaoying Shuai;  Wei Hu;  Guomin Wang;  Zhenlian Zhu
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Direct Drive  Segmentation  Direct Drive Telescope Test-bed (Ddteb)  Arc Pmsm