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| Application of Intelligent Fuzzy PID Control Algorithm in Large Astronomical Telescope Tracking System 会议论文 Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VII, Austin, Texas, United States, 2018-6-10 Authors: Xiajie Zhang ; Changzhi Ren
View  |   Adobe PDF(606Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:489/211  |  Submit date:2019/02/02 Astronomical Telescope Direct Drive Nonlinear Disturbance Intelligent Fuzzy Control |
| Design of one large telescope direct drive control system based on TMS320F28xx 会议论文 Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy VI, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2014-6-22 Authors: Xiao-li Song ; Da-xing Wang ; Chao Zhang ; zhen-chao Zhang ; Li-yan Chen ; Chang-zhi Ren
View  |   Adobe PDF(402Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:807/330  |  Submit date:2015/03/12 Direct Drive Control System Igbt Large Telescope |
| Integration and commissioning of the China SONG Telescope Tracking System 会议论文 Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes V, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2014-6-22 Authors: RenChangzhi ; WanHai ; LiHeng ; XuJin ; WangGuomin ; JiangXiang
View  |   Adobe PDF(538Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:861/290  |  Submit date:2015/03/12 China Song Telescope Direct Drive Full Automatic Control Telescope Pointing System Song (Stellar Oscillations Network Group) |
| The Sliding Mode Control Algorithm Used in the SONG Tracking Servo System 会议论文 Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2014-6-22 Authors: NiuYong ; RenChangzhi ; LiHeng
View  |   Adobe PDF(358Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:773/200  |  Submit date:2015/03/13 Direct Drive Torque Fluctuations China Song Telescope Sliding Mode Control |
| Application of Combined Controller Based on CMAC and Nonlinear PID in Dual Redundant Telescope Tracking System 会议论文 Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2014-6-22 Authors: LiHeng ; RenChangzhi ; SongLibin; Wujun
View  |   Adobe PDF(416Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:623/255  |  Submit date:2015/03/12 Direct Drive Nonlinear – Pid Cmac Dual Redundant Telescope Tracking System Dual-redundant Six Phase Direct Drive Motors |
| China SONG Telescope Tracking System Based on Direct Drive Technology 会议论文 Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy V, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012-7-1 Authors: RenChangzhi ; XuJin ; Yeyu ; WangGuomin ; JiangXiang
View  |   Adobe PDF(694Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:799/283  |  Submit date:2014/01/09 Song (Stellar Oscillations Network Group) Direct Drive Full Automatic Control China Song Telescope Tracking System |
| Synchronous Redundant Control Algorithm in The Telescope Drive System 会议论文 Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes IV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012-7-1 Authors: Ren Changzhi ; Niuyong ; SongXiaoli ; XuJin ; LiXiaoyan
View  |   Adobe PDF(652Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:777/286  |  Submit date:2014/01/12 Direct Drive Synchronous Control Redundant Control Redundant Unit Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (Rupmsm) |
| Design and Control of One Precise Tracking Simulation Bed for Chinese 20/30 Meter Optic/Infrared Telescope 会议论文 Modern Technologies in Space- and Ground-based Telescopes and Instrumentation II, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012-7-1 Authors: RenChangzhi ; Lixiaoyan ; SongXiaoli ; Niuyong ; Li Aihua ; Zhang Zhenchao
View  |   Adobe PDF(676Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:856/331  |  Submit date:2014/01/09 30 Meter Telescope Precise Tracking Simulation Bed Direct Drive Redundant Unit Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (Rupmsm) Multiphase Vector Control |
| Position Measurement of the Direct Drive Motor of Large Aperture Telescope 会议论文 Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy, San Diego, California, USA, 2010-6-27 Authors: Li Ying ; Wang Daxing
View  |   Adobe PDF(297Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:657/244  |  Submit date:2014/01/05 Astronomy Large Aperture Telescope Direct Drive Position Measurement Svpwm |
| One direct drive system for Telescope 会议论文 Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes II, Marseille, France, 2008-6-23 Authors: Changzhi Ren ; Zhenchao Zhang ; Daxing Wang ; Xiaoying Shuai ; Wei Hu ; Guomin Wang ; Zhenlian Zhu
View  |   Adobe PDF(379Kb)  |   Favorite  |  View/Download:691/253  |  Submit date:2014/01/01 Direct Drive Segmentation Direct Drive Telescope Test-bed (Ddteb) Arc Pmsm |