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Experimental study on Multi-material composite surface polishing by Abrasive Water Jet 会议论文
AOPC 2023:Optical Design and Manufacturing, Beijing, China, 2023.7.25-27
作者:  Chen Z(陈哲);  Li XN(李新南);  Jiang ZB(姜自波);  Xu C(徐晨);  Duan R(段然)
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Abrasive water jet  multi-material composite surface  roughness  orthogonal test method  removal rate  
一种超薄自适应变形镜的脱模装置及脱模方法(授权发明) 专利
专利类型: 发明专利, 专利号: ZL202110480172.3, 申请日期: 2022-11-04,
发明人:  姜自波;  焦晓洁;  陈哲
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基于计算全息的大口径离轴非球面子镜的折衍混合补偿检测方法 期刊论文
光学学报, 2022, 卷号: 42, 期号: 12, 页码: 198-208
作者:  黄亚;  王丰璞;  李新南;  陈哲;  李博;  徐晨
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测量  干涉测量  离轴非球面  计算全息片  30m望远镜  折衍混合补偿  
Φ380mm薄镜面预应力研磨及检测研究 期刊论文
光学学报, 2021, 卷号: 41, 期号: 16, 页码: 168-175
作者:  姜自波;  陈哲;  焦晓洁;  陈昆新
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光学制造  离轴非球面  接触式检测  拼接子镜  蓝牙  预应力研磨  
Application progress of stressed mirror continuous polishing technology in the segments fabrication of telescope primary mirror 会议论文
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 11451, California, United States, 2020-12-13
作者:  Jiang ZB(姜自波);  Li XN(李新南);  Chen Z(陈哲);  Cao T(曹亭);  Chen KX(陈昆新);  Wang FP(王丰璞);  Gong XF(宫雪非);  Liang YJ(梁永军);  Zheng Y(郑奕);  Jiao XJ(焦晓洁)
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Stressed Mirror Polishing  Continuous Polishing  Segments  Mirror Fabrication  Off-axis Aspheric  Contact Measurement  
Fabricating and testing of the trim plate for the Zwicky Transient Facility 会议论文
Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation III, Austin, Texas, United States, 2018-6-10
作者:  Chen Xu;  Yi Zheng;  Bo Li;  Xinnan Li;  Zhe Chen;  Kunxing Chen;  Bin Liang
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Ztf  Schmidt Corrector  Null Test  Alignment  
Research on key technical issues of contact method for large diameter off-axis aspheric segments 会议论文
, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2016-6-26
作者:  ZiBo Jiang;  XinNan Li;  YongJun Liang;  Bo Li;  BinBin Yu;  Zhe Chen
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Stressed Mirror Annular Polishing  Off-axis Aspherical Mirror  Contact Detection  Error Analysis  Polynomials Orthogonality